mandag 5. desember 2011

It's December in Norway.

I have just arrived back from visiting my mother's place for the weekend~ I haven't seen my family since starting this school in August! It was so nice to see them again :D 

I baked Serina cookies and gingerbread cookies with my brother and sister while listening to Christmas songs and singing very loudly. lol. I can't post a picture of it since I am giving them away to a special someone. ;D haha

On Sunday my younger sister turned 13! My aunt and cousin came over to celebrate too ^__^I haven't seem them in an even longer time! I'm so happy I could celebrate my sister's birthday with her and with my family~

Here's me, my cousin(in the front) and my younger brother(in the back) at dinner, which was Klubb(a dish made out of potatoes and flour which my grandmother always used to make)

My younger sister and the birthday cake~ She's the cutest ^___^

In the evening we decided to spontaneously run out and play in the snow, which we did. I haven't done that in years! It was so much fun XD

We built a snow lamp~

I tried to build a snowman, but the snow was not good for snow-sculpturing yet, so it turned out to be a snowman-penguin thingy... umm yeah. 

This weekend was so lovely, since I am not going to spend Christmas together wit any of my family members for the first time ever, it was nice to spend some time with them before I leave~

It's only like 12 days until I go now !! It's just getting closer and closer~ I've already started packing ^^ 

And I've gotten a reply from my school. Everything will work out, I will get my high school diploma in June, the school can wait for it, I will be studying in Kyoto, Japan for one year starting October 2012!!!

My life just works out these days. *w*

Lastly, this video pretty much sums up the Christmas in Norway, just in Japanese. XD lol

torsdag 1. desember 2011

1st of December

It's this month.

I am going to Osaka in 17 days from now. I am going to meet my boyfriend again and we're going to spend 18 amazing days together, the rest of this year. ♥
We're planning to go to Fukuoka, visiting the German Christmas market, going on a Christmas date, and he's taking me to a zoo to see giant pandas. I'm going to see giant pandas, a whole new city, Christmas date with my love... I am so excited, I cannot even explain!!!

Also, I just sent my CV to my future school in Kyoto. I feel like my life depends on their reply.

And yesterday me and some classmates had a Super Junior fangirl party with Super Show 1~~ AWESOME!

I am pretty tired and exhausted these days, but there are so many brilliant things going on in my life for me to care about that.

Today the entire school has arranged an event to drink the first Christmas-soda(it's a tradition in Norway to drink special Christmas-soda in this month), and we're also going to eat gingerbread cookies~ My school is awesome.

I also have to pack some stuff because I'm going to my mother's place for the weekend. My plane leaves early tomorrow morning. @__@
It's going to be so nice to come back home to see my mom and my stepdad, younger sister and younger brother! And the cats and the dog. I've really missed them~